Get a little bored!

The challenge of digital disconnection.

-What-and fixisti to the guaje?


-He is more restless than Don Quixote in a wind farm.


-Probín. If you hunt a hunting dog... 

-On the beach there is no mobile phone. And punctu.

-Look, he doesn't know where he's going to crash.

-What other ways to pass the time, Loli. 

-Get bored, Lolo.

-Better. Boredom enhances imagination.


-None but no apple tree, Loli. There is no mobile on the beach. It's over.

-And you?

-I'm waiting for him from the workshop to call me. If not…

-Don't be cynical!


-The guaje already saw you upload semeyes to Instagram.

-And? He has to unscreen, Loli. And punctu.

-I don't see him in good condition. 


-He is so hooked on the screens that when the power goes on at home he starts looking for a charger.

-So make castles in mind of scrolling.

-Ai, try it! I feel terrible!


-I don't know, subjecting the kid to a digital disconnection... 

-Ye an afternoon at the beach! Three hours, just!

-Ye a lot for him, too much, Lolín. Bonu, and for you. 

-What for me?

-That is also too much for you.

-I use my cell phone for important things, don't compare me.

-Oh God! I'm afraid something will happen.


-Put away the cell phone, just like that, suddenly. The digital age was born. And… 

-You are more attached to your cell phone than you are to your dog.

-Probin, feel sorry for me.

-What do you mean, you don't have any friends?

-Yes, but everyone is playing online.

-Where, ho?

-On line, Lolo, on line. And the little boy gets bored.

-Let him dream, qu'imaxine, what do I know...

-He has a strange face, as if he were listening to a game of chess on the radio.

-Maybe creating What did he do with the book?

-Nin looked at him. He already saved it.

-And the cubu and the palette?

-Throw them at my head.

-Boo. What a ballot!

-Let him be bored, Loli, let him learn.