Theater Actor

In Spain

  • Zarzuela “El Caserío” Co-production of the Teatro Arriaga and the Campoamor (with stage direction by Pablo Viar and musical direction by Lucas Macía)
  • Long wait by Juan Antonio Hormigón (María Guerrero Theater, ADE 2000 awards ceremony)
  • Arsenic please directed by Gonzálo Suarez (Teatro La Latina, 2003 and national tour.
  • Implication of the heart or the mockery of D. Pantalón (First Prize in the Regional Theater Competition, 1983)
  • Comedy called Armelina by Lope de Rueda (Selected for the Interautonomic phase of the National Classical Theater Meeting. Orense, 1984)
  • Waves de Maxi Rodríguez (Premio Nacional «Espiga de Oro» de Guadalajara, 1985 y obra representante del Principado de Asturias en la fase final del Encuentro Juvenil de Teatro Contemporáneo en Badajoz, 1986)
  • Papajei (Collective street show)
  • Hey, hey, hey by Maxi Rodríguez
  • In high sea by S. Mrozek
  • The Guest by M. Mediero
  • Charlotte Corday by Etelvino Vázquez
    (Show premiered at the Ciudad Real International Festival and participant in the Asturian Theater Exhibition in Madrid)
  • Mine Coitus or the BUP epic by Maxi Rodríguez. Borne Award Director: E. Vázquez.
    (Show premiered at the Campoamor Theater in Oviedo within the New Young Spanish Theater Exhibition, 1988)
  • Hallucinate, Colombina by Maxi Rodríguez.
    (Obra infantil de Commedia dell’Arte representada durante más de tres años por pueblos y villas del Principado en campañas como «Asturias cultural», «Jornadas teatrales» y «Asturias en primavera»)

In Italy

  • Ciao, trip
    (Prato, Florence, 1987)
  • Seratta Finale
    (Reggio Emilia,1988)

In Italy

  • Ciao, trip
    (Prato, Florence, 1987)
  • Seratta Finale
    (Reggio Emilia,1988)